Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving and Our Gratitude...

Lord, We Are Grateful

Lord, we are grateful for all You've given;
shelter and clothing, good food and health.
All these are gifts we rarely do treasure.
We are most wealthy, thanks to Yourself.

Lord, we are grateful for those who love us;
those we call family, those who are friends.
Loved, we can face the pressures life sends us.
Through those we cherish, Your love descends.

Lord, we are grateful for Your creation;
trees in fall splendor, dark stormy skies.
Nature reminds us of Your strong power.
Majestic beauty dazzles ours eyes.

Lord, we are grateful for Your rich mercy,
fresh as the morning, new every day.
Sin is forgiven. Guilt has been buried.
Gone is the debt we never could pay.

Lord, we are grateful that we can worship,
often and freely here in this place.
Harvest our praises, hear our thanksgiving
as we reflect on Your awesome grace.

~Rev. Greg Asimakoupoulos~

I really need to be thankful for all the Lord has bestowed upon my family. A daily reminder is always good : -)

Just a thought...