Sunday, August 5, 2007

Breaking the mold...

I have been trying to understand a concept that I believe the Lord has brought forth to me, a 2 senior pastor church. It seems traditionally churches have had this mold of, Senior pastor, associate pastor,so on and so forth. How is that working for today's church and today's Christian's?
I believe that the area of reaching the lost is beating on Gods heart, and the discipleship is huge on His heart as well. How can one pastor have a gifting in both? I doubt there are many pastors that God has given that gift to, but also, the need is so great, how can one possibly try to do both.
What a blessing it would be to the body of Christ to be blessed with 2 pastors with exceptional giftings. How cool would that be to have one pastor who's gift and passion has been for the lost, and to bath them in Gods love, grace and mercy and to provide a great opportunity for that person to have a great foundation. Then, to have another pastor who's passion is for discipleship and mentoring, to create a community of willing hearts and maturing Christians to come alongside of those new into Gods house. WOW! I don't think it could get any better than that.
Not only does this provide a good "marriage" between newly saved and maturing Christian's but, it helps to keep the focus off one man (senior pastor) and keep the focus on our Heavenly Father.
Are we ready to break the tradition and mold of the church? Are we going to give the church body the best opportunity to not only answer the alter call, but to still be pursuing God in the years to come?
Let's step out of our comfort zone and let's see God REALLY move.

Just a thought...