Monday, June 18, 2007

Standing Firm...

It says in the bible I believe about 35 times something pertaining to "standing firm". God doesn't seem all that interested in us..."taking ground". The bible does mention times when the Lord asks for us to take ground, but again He asks and has prepared the way for His plan to work for His Glory. I believe also out of His love and desire for the unsaved to know Him. It is in His mercy as well.
I think He is so interested in us standing firm, because in order to stand firm we need to trust in His truth and in Him. It is in these times that we have to get down on our knees and walk in His strength. It becomes, if you will, a battle between our flesh and His truth. For most of us, it is a battle of our head and heart. If you just have alot of head knowledge and haven't allowed to Lords love to permeate your heart, then often times we do, "what we think is right", not necessarily what Gods plan is. But in His great love for us, He understands our heart posture pertaining to our actions and that's where grace takes place.
So I ask you to go and spend some quiet time with the Lord and ask Him to bring about some revelation to these questions:
Is He asking you to stand firm or take ground? Are you in a spiritual battle? How can you bring glory to God in the midst of your situation?
I believe the Lord longs to have us hear Him and the bible says that we are to petition him endlessly until answered. So let's get persistent.

Just a thought....