Saturday, May 26, 2007

Women need other women...right?

As a woman and I think I speak for many of us, being friends with other women is hard! I have been in many womens groups or even just with a group of women and we all have our "war stories" of hurtful friendships. The wounds are deep. Thus we retreat behind our infinite wall we have built, brick by brick, wound by wound.
Well, I say no more! We all know in the depths of our soul, that we NEED each other. Otherwise, why would we continue to put our hearts out consistantly, knowing it could be wounded. I mean, if you burnt your hand on the stove, you wouldn't go a month later go and try it again, right?
God has designed women and also knows the power we have in each others lives. On the other hand, the enemy knows this as well and has done a great job keeping us separated. I've always said, "hurt or wounded people, hurt and wound people." If we can grasp the heart of our Father, and deal with the wounds of our past, we can then be in relationship with other women. We could look at their actions with compassion and pray for them and pray for ourselves to act how Jesus would. Usually what we do is repay evil with evil. I know, most of you are saying, "oh, I haven't done that". Maybe we don't do it outwardly, but we gossip and hold resentment and unforgivness in our heart, and we are lucky if that's all we do. Most of our issues have very little to do with anyone else and more to do with ourselves. It's usually our insecurities, lack of confidence and self hatred that cause us to react to someones' less than perfect actions. The closer we get to our Father the less of these issues we will have. Easier said than done, but it is possible.
Wouldn't it be great if we could give every woman we meet in our lives the same oppotunity for friendship we gave the people that wounded us. How about dealing with the bitterness and wounds of the past relationships, so we could walk in freedom.
So heres the challange: Spend the next month sitting at the feet of your Father, and ask Him to reveal Himself in a way you have never experienced. I guarentee the wounds will be less and our freedom will become more.
What do we have to lose? We have everything to gain.

Just a thought....