Monday, May 28, 2007

A Hard Season....

Have you ever felt like you were in a desert season? I'm sure at one time or another we've all been there. I'm not entirley sure if that is where I'm at, or if it's the transition I'm in, or both. One thing for sure is that God's doing something.
How do we know if we are in a desert time or just a God working on us time? This is the quest I am on, not because it really matters if I put a label on it, but just because I think that if you know than you can withstand the storm, relativley speaking.
I mean, geez, my prayers are like water falling out of my mouth and spilling onto the floor! My ears to hear Him feel like they are plugged with cotton and my mind can't seem to be still enough to sit on one thought for more than a second. Frustration!
But, I know I need to stand firm in Gods truth, be steadfast in my prayers and much will be revealed to me at the end of this journey. Tom Flaherty said, God reveals things to us like a puzzle, God has the full picture on the box in front of Him, and we get to piece it together, piece by piece. Well, I have one of those pieces that is blank, but a very nessessary part to putting this puzzle together.
All I know for sure, is that I want to walk this out well, learn what the Lord wants me to learn and at the end of it all have a better idea of who my Father is.

Are you in a desert time or a transition time? What is the Lord saying, is He telling you to take ground or stand firm?

Just a thought...